Theology is All-Important to Discipleship

The significance of theology in discipleship is often underestimated. Yet, it serves as a cornerstone in steering the path toward spiritual growth and maturity. Mere belief in Christianity without follow-up needs to be improved. Authentic discipleship necessitates the adoption of specific beliefs and doctrines that underpin our faith. But how do we identify these beliefs and ensure we lead others toward genuine discipleship?

Grasping the distinction between evangelism and discipleship is paramount. Discipleship commences with fundamental doctrines such as the doctrine of sin, the doctrine of God, and the doctrines of God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. We must acknowledge these bedrock beliefs to attain spiritual maturity and peace with salvation. It’s impossible otherwise to comprehend the essence of God and our faith.

As disciple-makers, we bear the weighty responsibility of steering new and growing Christians toward a profound comprehension of these doctrines. Numerous excellent resources, from books to systematic theologies, are available to aid us in this endeavor. However, above all, we must approach this task with humility and grace, journeying alongside fellow believers toward the shared objective of spiritual growth and maturity.

So, let’s pay attention to the crucial role of theology in discipleship. By studying systematic theology and discussing our core beliefs with other believers, we can deepen our understanding of God and the Christian faith and help others do the same.

Don’t know where to begin? For additional help with discipleship, go HERE to find the discipleship page with links to reliable resources. You can go HERE for links to go deeper into personal growth and then sharing in discipleship.

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