
Debbie Swindell has taught the Bible to women and children for over 35 years. She holds a certificate in Biblical Counseling from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, and she has completed Principles of Biblical Counseling from BMATS and the Association of Certified Biblical Counseling by CDT for both Fundamentals and Advanced Theology Track. Debbie has also obtained a certificate in Christian Ministry from Southeastern Seminary. She continually studies and credits God for providing every growth opportunity she’s given.

Debbie has served in the Gideons International Women’s Auxiliary, where she helped distribute Bibles, ministered to women in jails, evangelized, and taught women inmates. Her passion for teaching women extends from the local to the international mission field, where she has taught the Bible at conferences in Kenya and El Salvador.

Debbie has studied and served in leadership with Bible Study Fellowship, a parachurch organization. She acknowledges BSF and Precept Bible studies for shaping her spiritual formation.

Debbie’s teaching ministry to women in the local church has included theology (core truths of the Christian faith), Bible studies, workshops, and Sunday morning life groups. Her weekday ministry from home includes discipleship, biblical counseling, and mentoring.

Debbie’s heart convictions are grounded in historic Christian theology, from which she articulates her faith and ministry to women. Having taught theology for six years and made the connections to daily living, she considers herself an everyday theologian.

Debbie is married to Russell, has two children, and has five grandchildren. She and her family have been living in Russellville since 1990. Having seen God’s profound work in her life and the lives of others, Debbie lives intentionally. Her life’s “roadmap” is 2 Tim 1, Col 1:28, Tit 2, Acts 1:8, Matt 28:18-20, and Ephes 4:15-16. She believes God has graciously equipped and allowed her to serve her family, church, and small-town community. Debbie’s life verse is Acts 16:14.

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